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featured clothing

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black and white

Black with white graphics or white with black graphics we offer both versions on Pändabär! Check out the other versions in the variant pickers and take your pick of a white tee or a black tee.

featured tops

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versatile threads

Pändabär clothing focuses on items that seamlessly fit into your wardrobe. Black and white compliments neon’s, pastels, and a variety of other color palettes.

featured leggings

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featured accessories

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nature involved

Read about the crossover of nature and fashion. Discover better ways to shop while keeping sustainability in mind and what new ideas and trends are sweeping the industry.

featured home & living

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panda apparel

Inspired by the panda bear, we want to represent peace and power. Pändabär mixes futuristic ideas with a modern twist that exudes a quiet strength in our clothing designs.